Biomethane as a replacement for natural gas?
24. 6. 2024
Up to ten percent of natural gas consumption in the Czech Republic is to be covered by biomethane by 2030. The fuel, which comes from renewable sources, has excellent technical properties, but faces challenges in getting it into the natural gas distribution system. LAMA ENERGY GROUP has come up with a solution and wants to get involved in the supply of this renewable energy source. In South Moravia, it has piloted the injection of biomethane produced at the biogas plant in Heralec, about 150 km away, into the grid.
On Tuesday, 18 June, a pilot test of injecting biomethane into the gas grid from a truck with cylinders took place. The injection took place at a natural gas production centre operated by LAMA GAS & OIL, which produces oil and natural gas in the Breclav region. The biomethane was produced in a biogas plant in Herálc in Vysočina, owned by the SUR LIE group, a pioneer in biomethane production in the Czech Republic.